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The Samuel Halper Roll of Remembrance – Yizkor 2024/5785

Jews throughout the world traditionally take time to remember their loved ones during the High Holy Days. Temple Beth Shalom continues this tradition through the preparation of our annual Roll of Remembrance, which will be shared on Yom Kippur.

The Roll of Remembrance will include two sections:

1.       A list of all loved ones (name only, in alphabetical order) who are inscribed on our perpetual memorial plaques.

2.       A list of names submitted by TBS members for inclusion. If you wish, you may also include names of those inscribed on a perpetual memorial plaque in this section so they appear with the names/relationship of who they are remembered by.

You may review 2023's Roll of Remembrance by clicking HERE.  If you wish to include the same names as last year (2023) with NO changes, please mark the appropriate box below. Otherwise, please complete the form below for each name you wish to inscribe in the Roll of Remembrance.


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Wed, September 18 2024 15 Elul 5784